Next Day Science Blog

The Comprehensive Guide to Filtration Methods

The Comprehensive Guide to Filtration Methods

There are several types of filtration methods to choose from, which include gravity or simple, hot, and vacuum. Selecting the right method depends on the nature of the experiment. This guide will provide you with an easy to follow set of criteria that will help you choose the right filtration system for the job. The following chart is useful in getting you started.

The first step is to choose the right sized filter paper, which is the most vital step for vacuum filtration, because the filter must be smaller in diameter than the Hirsch or Buchner funnel. It needs to cover the holes and sit flat on the funnel bottom and not have any creases or folds. There are two ways to fold the filter paper, which are the fluted and conventional methods.

The various types of membrane filters and their uses

The various types of membrane filters and their uses

Membrane filtration utilizes pressure in order to force water or any other kind of carrier fluid through a porous or semi-permeable membrane. This process separates the particulate matter that's suspended from the soluble and fluid components.

Membrane filters are also known as membranes are microporous films which have specific ratings for their pore sizes. These are also known as microporous filters, screens or sieves, and they keep the microorganisms or particles which are bigger than the size of their pores through the process of surface capture. On the other hand, any particles smaller than the pore size of the membrane filter are typically kept by other types of mechanisms.

Choosing the Best Filter for Your Laboratory Application

Choosing the Best Filter for Your Laboratory Application

When choosing a filter to perform various applications or obtain certain objectives, there are several things one must consider. This guide will help you choose the right filter in just a few steps. Firstly, you match the application with the best pore size for the job. Secondly, you will select the best housing material and membrane for the application. Thirdly, you will select the right membrane area to help optimize the throughput and flow rate. And lastly, choose the filter design that best fits your application.
Preparing Primary Tissue Samples or Frozen Samples

Preparing Primary Tissue Samples or Frozen Samples

One of the most critical steps in successful cell isolation is the preparation of the single cell suspension. Cell loss may occur during isolation if the sample contains cell clumps during the cell separation process. Additionally, the clumps may interfere with the proper labeling of the cells that the process is meant to target. By following a specialized protocol for harvesting and preparing the single cell suspensions from primary or frozen tissue before the process of cell separation, these issues can be avoided.